Implementation of STEM-based Education with Lego-ing Techniques
Author : Mardhani Riasetiawan
Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail:
Implementation of STEM-based Education with the aim of bringing the pioneering business development environment closer to tertiary education is very important. The aim is to provide a reality-based approach and social problems that require collaborative problem solving. The GamaBox Incubation Program was developed by conducting Lego-ing or Piloting a problem, identifying potential solutions, limiting problems to a limited extent, developing small ideas, developing ideas into STEM-based solutions, collaborating ideas into products, and launching them as startups. The program is run by involving 37 students who form 4 startups with development duration of 16 weeks. The program has produced STEM-based business development methods with lego-ing or piloting techniques, and can be launched as a service. The Lego-ing or Piloting method makes it easy to identify the focus of the problem and the idea of solving it. The stages of development become small and short milestones for the time of their achievement. The advantage is that the process of developing becomes more measurable and achievable.
Lab Riset SKJ bekerjasama dengan Madrasah TechnoNatura mengadakan kegiatan sharing session pengabdian masyarakat, yang ditujukan bagi Umum, Guru, Orang Tua Siswa dan Para Pendidik untuk mendiskusikan tema ” STEAM Education untuk Indonesia”.